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I am you,

A person born from a web of lies, one that’s deeper than anything in the world,

A person built from a tiny lie,

You planted the seed in which I grew,

Into nothing but a tiny tree.


I am you,

Filled with the remnants of my broken past,

Stuffed with despair and stringy bits of  hatred,

A body built on the sole idea of Wrath and Despair,

Are we truly the same?


You are me,

A heart that was created from the truth, a soft and fragile little thing,

A heart built from so many truths and promises,

I planted the seed in which you grew,

Into nothing but a tiny tree.


You are me,

Ignoring my broken past, repairing the pieces in which they broke,

Wrapped up in the comfort of friends and family,

A heart based on the idea of Love itself,

Is it truly the same?


You are me,

And I am you.


Apart we aren’t respected,

But maybe, together, our combined bodies will surprise everyone,

I am you, and you are me,

My hope to my despair.


I am you, you are me,

Together we will combine,

And make a new sensation,

And a new world.

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