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If I were to put every single historical event into a little bottle, how many bottles would I have?

If I were to put every single bad historical event's bottle into a separate room, how many good bottles would I have?

How many happy bottles would I have?

How many sad bottles would I have?

How many terrifying bottles would I have?

If I mixed all of those bottles up, would they change the world?

Would anything change if I destroyed all good bottles,

And deleted them from human history?

Would anything change if I destroyed all bad bottles,

And deleted them from human history too?

What if I destroyed all the terrifying bottles, erasing them forever?

Would anything truly change if I destroyed every slavery bottle I could find?

Would human history truly change if I did so?

Most likely not,

I'll put the bottles back into a neat little shelf,

And keep them for all to see.

Two rows for all war,

Four rows for all famine,

Three rows for bad economic change,

And a room for slavery.

All bottles, tucked into neat, tidy shelves,

I'll keep the room locked up,

No one must know the horrors within.

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