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There's a problem at my school that I've noticed, a lot of the Mexicans that roam around the halls drop the n-word like it's theirs. What confuses me is that this is a normal occurrence, and I want to know why they believe it's okay to do so. Just because you're not a white person, it doesn't mean you're allowed to say whatever slurs you want. What seems to me is that some of the Mexicans at my school don't think that not being white gives them a free pass. News flash; you're still a racist if you call a black person the n-word, and you don't get a free pass because you're not white. There seems to be a pattern with YouTubers (and social media influencers) too, the more eyes on them, the more of a chance that they're going to do something racist or homophobic.

YouTuber D'Angelo Wallace (Wallace, D'Angelo. “Dangelowallace.” YouTube, YouTube, 9 Aug. 2019, has made countless videos that focus on these types of Youtubers. For example, one of them is a more popular, famous YouTuber who goes by the name Shane Dawson. Shane was considered the "King of Youtube" for a good amount of time before his old clips resurfaced.

Shane is known for his comedy scripts that he writes. One of those scripts was of Shane happily and openly calling his black friend the n-word. Another one is of a white woman calling two black women her "n******". Along with just straight-up calling his 'friend' the n-word, he has also done blackface before, both of these instances pop up a lot in his past career.

Blaire White is another instance of this. She is a trans(mtf) YouTuber who makes a load of content. In the past, she has collaborated with another YouTuber who goes by the name of Onision. Like Shane Dawson, Onision is well-known on the platform for being a huge creep and pedophile. In this video, Blaire admits to screaming the n-word whenever she stubs her toe on something, even Onision was a little taken-back. 

Blaire White, like Shane Dawson, has also worn blackface, but, this is an iffy subject. What she did was paint her face black, but, that also could have been some makeup routine, as Blaire is a beauty YouTuber.

Both of these YouTubers can be, and are, racist. There's a saying that goes, "You can't shake the devil's hand, and say you're only kidding," which reminds me of the fact that Shane is friends with Jeffery Star. It makes me wonder if Jeffery Star, like Shane Dawson, is also a racist. The saying before also reminds me of another saying, "If one Nazi is sitting at a table with 10 others, those eleven people are nazis." Are those two sayings correct in my case? I believe so.

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